Traveling Time - to BC and back again

Traveling Time - to BC and back again... this may take a while

Follow our progress on Brads blog as well at

Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 16th 2011 - California Redwoods - Pacific Coast Highway RT 101

Oregon has wonderful campgrounds (State Park) they have hot water and warm showers

Wild flower along the road when we were waiting for road construction.

Entered California from Oregon and headed to the majestic redwoods. 

The trailers pull well even in the corners.

The redwoods were amazing - this gives you an idea of their size.

The stump of one that was cut - about 12 feet plus wide

This picture doesn't do the height justice - I guess you had to be there. 

Here we go again - this off roading needs to STOP.  Mud is not fun on a road bike - this is BMW GS territory!

End of the road for us - we do NOT cross RIVERS!

Highway 101 is the Pacific Coast Highway - beautiful and a fun road to ride.

The GPS displaying the coast - and the right turn to head toward Canada.
Oregon coast line 


Riding 101 varies from right along the coast to inland among the beautiful evergreens. 

1 comment:

  1. The views are absolutely awe inspiring ... Thanks for the update .. brads isnt posting yet .. HAPPY FATHERS day .. Creig
