Traveling Time - to BC and back again

Traveling Time - to BC and back again... this may take a while

Follow our progress on Brads blog as well at

Monday, June 13, 2011

A day of Contrast

We left Nebraska early Sunday morning after awakening to a calm peaceful camp. As we entered Colorado that calmness changed drastically. Faced with daunting side and headwinds I registered my worst gas mileage ever with only 200miles for a tank of gas. The flats of the plains gave way to the rolling high plains of Colorado. ( I believe the Colorado license plate should be redesigned. The mountains on the plate go from the left all the way to the right….) There is a lot of flat between the Colorado line and the Rocky Mountains but it is well worth the wait.

We lunched in Loveland Co. at the base of the Rockies which beckoned us with every bite we ate. 40 mile west of Loveland is the top of the world. We went through the quaint tourist town of Estes Park lined with boutiques and coffee shops with our sights set on the Rocky Mtn National Park – WOW

No picture can do justice to the vistas our eyes soaked in.

We were delayed by an accident in the park closing our route west. Fortunately we only waited about 90 minutes. We made it through the park encountering Elk and Moose and lots of snow. At points the wall of snow by the road was 12fett or more high.

Enjoying the views

I have never seen snow this deep and this is JUNE!
Wildlife like this moose within a few yards of the road.

We camped in Kremmling Co. and fell into bed only to encounter a very frigid night with temps in the upper 30’s. BRRRR……

1 comment:

  1. breath taking ... and i'am not seeing the 360 degree view ..
